
"Element Girls" Bring Chemistry to Life

Book on the Periodic Table Attracts Readers of All Ages

Just about everyone has come across the periodic table of chemical elements in a chemistry or science textbook, but many people find it difficult to remember the names and properties of the different elements. But now the Element Girls, 118 female cartoon characters based on the building blocks of all matter, are gaining fans among a wide range of readers in Japan, including people who do not consider themselves scientifically minded. The Element Girls are the stars of a dictionary of the periodic table published by the PHP Institute, a Japanese firm.


The front cover of the book. ©Studio Hard Deluxe & the PHP Institute

Each Girl in Her Element
Everything in the world around us, including our own bodies, is composed of various combinations of the 118 chemical elements. However, studying these elements and learning about their invisible structure of electrons and other particles fails to arouse interest in many people. But an innovative book on the elements titled The Periodic Table: Learning Basic Chemistry Through Moe, released in October 2008, has proven very popular even among those who usually take no interest in chemistry. The explanation for this popularity lies in the fact that each of the 118 elements has been brought to life as a moe character (a cute, adorable female). The lineup of characters includes a nurse, a maid, a fairy, and a queen - figures not usually associated with books on chemistry.

Each element was also assigned a catchphrase. For example, the first element in the table, hydrogen, is illustrated with a fairy dancing on a cloud, accompanied by the phrase "Tiny Miss Fairy, the lightest of them all." The slogan for sulfur, the sixteenth element in the table and a component in medicines, gunpowder, and sulfuric acid, is "Chemical, medical, radical girl." Depicted in a gothic black costume, she taunts, "Think you can handle me?" Gold, meanwhile, the seventy-ninth element, is represented by a girl wrapped in a stately gown and bears the slogan, "The element queen: she continues to dazzle throughout the ages."


Word play helps readers to remember the names and order of the elements. ©Studio Hard Deluxe & the PHP Institute

In addition to the drawings of the characters, the book provides essential data for each element, including atomic weight, melting and boiling points, and isotopes. Interesting facts are also given, such as the origins of the element's name and the person who discovered it. Each element's atomic structure and examples of its use are represented with illustrations, making the book a fun and informative way to acquire a solid understanding of the elements. As of late January 2009, some 24,000 copies of the book had been sold, an exceptionally high number for a book on chemistry.


Hydrogen is depicted as a fairy. ©Studio Hard Deluxe & the PHP Institute

Manga as a Learning Tool
The book's publisher explains that it was looking for a way to create manga that could be used to teach subjects like math, statistics, and biology. It then hit upon the idea of giving the chemical elements personalities reflecting their unique properties as a means of making them accessible to students. The demand for such a learning tool was confirmed when in 2005 the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology quickly ran out of the illustrated periodic tables it had created as part of a plan for promoting understanding of science and technology. Under the editorial supervision of Mitsuda Miyuki, a chemistry lecturer at Musashi Institute of Technology in Tokyo, 33 illustrators worked to humanize each element in the table based on its unique characteristics and qualities.

The readership of the book encompasses a wide range of individuals, from schoolchildren to adults in their forties; around two-thirds of the readers are males. The characters are popular among people with an interest in science because they stir the imagination and provide topics for conversation among friends. For science-shy manga and anime fans and schoolchildren soon to encounter the periodic table in their studies, meanwhile, the Element Girls have succeeded in presenting the world of chemistry in a new and inviting way.

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Minis for the Cold?!

Mini Skirts Become "Hot" Winter Fashion

Around Shibuya and Harajuku in Tokyo, a growing number of young women in their teens and twenties are wearing mini skirts and shorts. Though normally about half of all women wear pants in freezing winter, this year it seems that around 50% of women in these areas are wearing skirts, with a further 30% wearing shorts and just 20% wearing pants. Skirts and shorts are winning hands-down. Hemlines, meanwhile, are short; micro skirts that rise 20 or 30 centimeters above the knees and ultra-short hot pants are not uncommon.


A combination of a mini skirt with knee-high socks. ©Color & Design Research Room of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College

Two Cycles Converge
This season, the focus is on coordinating minis with legwear, such as colored tights, knee highs, and sheepskin and fringed boots. Many women top the minis with casual outerwear, such as rider's coats or down jackets, or classical half-coats with hemlines of about the same length to allow just a hint of the skirt or shorts to peep out from beneath the coat. Whatever the style, a bold display of the legs is a must.

Minis tend to come into fashion every 20 years or so. In Japan they gained widespread popularity in the 1960s. Short barrel-shaped sack dresses and pleated Ivy League-style skirts enjoyed widespread popularity, and a mini knit skirt featured in a TV commercial for a major apparel manufacturer attracted nationwide attention when it was launched in the market.

Twenty years later, in the 1980s, tight-fitting mini dresses with short hemlines and mini skirts made out of sporty jersey material came into vogue. Hot pants were trendy in the 1970s. Young women first favored surfer-style hot pants and later went for denim shorts paired with woven sandals. In the 1990s the "gals" of Shibuya began to turn out in force with colorful short shorts matched with platform boots.


A mini skirt with boots is also a cute pairing. ©Color & Design Research Room of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College

Cute Yet Chic
Over the past four decades, mini skirts and hot pants have come into fashion by turns, with skirts fashionable in even-numbered decades and shorts in odd-numbered decades. This year, however, both styles have appeared together, creating an unprecedented "mini boom." This time, however, the minis are noticeably shorter than before.

When asked what they like about mini skirts, many women cite their "cuteness." Skirts with a short inseam are indisputably girlish and sweet. At the same time, they are fashionable, easy to move around in, and a symbol of youth. And in contrast with knee-length garments, they let women show off their legs, giving a strong impression of liberation, vitality, progressiveness, and style.

Minis, in other words, are garments that let women be cute and stylish at the same time, and their popularity is an indication that many young women seek to achieve an effect that combines both elements.

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Work-Inspired Overalls Offer Flexibility and Style


A casual combinaison. ©Color & Design Research Room of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College

An item of clothing called a combinaison has recently become popular among young women in Japan. This word, which comes from the French for "combination," refers to a single garment combining a top with pants. Dresses have dominated the streets for some time, but it seems that some women have shifted away from the one-piece dress. Tapping into a more general trend to emphasize less feminine and toward a more boyish ambience, the combinaison, which can be worn to give either a casual or chic appearance, is gaining more and more fans.

Inspired by Work Clothing
The combinaison is a garment that English speakers might call an "overall" or French speakers a "salopette." These items have their roots in work clothes worn over one's regular clothes to keep them from getting dirty while doing manual labor. Overalls tend to have buckles and buttons on the chest area, as well a number of pockets and loops around the waist to hang hammers and other tools. This functionality shows the origins of overalls as work clothes.


An elegant style. ©Color & Design Research Room of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College

From around last year, women in their twenties or thereabouts started wearing denim combinaison in sizes that were deliberately a little too large. This stemmed from a preference for a boyish look, and the combinaison began to become widespread as a fashion item.

Variation and Versatility
In parallel with this development, many brands and shops started to put out new designs of combinaison in an effort to target young women. In addition to the original loose-fitting denim type, a number of other designs emerged, including some whose legs have a slim silhouette, some that have short pants or a pant skirt, some with billowy sleeves, some with a slimmed-down top half to make the wearer appear more slender, and others that have a wraparound chest. Another variation of combinaison has a skirt attached at the bottom.


A combinaison with short pants. ©Color & Design Research Room of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College

There are also an increasing number of variations regarding the material combinaison are made of. Aside from denim, these garments are being made out of cotton, linen, and wool. The lineup for the coming fall and winter is already appearing in stores, and it unfolds new styles of combinaison made with classy materials like silk, georgette, and satin, lending an air of formality and elegance.

Another reason the combinaison is drawing such attention is that it gives the wearer the ability to easily change her look by combining it with other clothes and accessories, making it more alterable than a one-piece dress. A combinaison can be worn with a vest on top or with a t-shirt underneath, and stockings can be worn underneath the short-pants type. Women can also complement their combinaison with the addition of a felt hat or stylish belt, and the garments go well with both high heels or sneakers.

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23-24 agustus @pantai festival jaya ancol


sweet yakuza
hu-tekindo(japaneese band)

band audisi

melody maker
chick en katsu

cp: novi= 08568029414, 02195655904

up date dr thread seblumnya:
zeal dan j-rock batal untuk tampil d acara ini

audisi band: 80.000
cosplay : lupa ^^(gomen....)
HTM: 35.000 + souvenir AXIS
bisa d dptkan d wapres

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Setelah menjalani tour bersama Djarum Coklat, Pesta Bintang Coklat di berbagai kota di Jawa Barat di bulan Juni ini Nidji masih ada tour dengan sponsor perusahaan yang sama, kali ini dalam LA Light Tour yang mengunjungi berbagai kota di Sulawesi dan Kalimantan.
Kesibukan lain selain penyelesaian akhir recording album ketiga di studio masih tetap dikerjakan di Bulan Juni ini termasuk promo buat iklan terbaru LG Mobile dan beberapa show untuk Honda Revo.
Jadwal berikut masih berubah untuk event tertentu dan selalu ikuti update di
01.June.09: Tour Djarum LA Light, Palu Sulawesi
03.June.09: Tour Djarum LA Light, Gorontalo

06.June.09: Tour Djarum LA Light, Palangkaraya

08.June.09: Tour Djarum LA Light, Banjarmasin

10.June.09: Tour Djarum LA Light, Samarinda

15-18.June.09: Studio,Album III, Jakarta

19.June.09: Show Honda, Pekanbaru (tentative)

20.June.09: Big Launching LG Mobile, Mall Taman Anggrek, Jakarta
22-26.June.09: Studio,Album III, Jakarta

28.June.09: Show di Batam

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Buat kamu masih hijau yang belum tahu banyak tentang dunia blog, ini ada beberapa istilah-istilah yang perlu kamu ketahui. Buat yang sudah merah, yang sudah banyak makan garam dunia blog juga nggak ada salahnya kok baca-caca artikel ini. Disini sengaja tidak disusun menurut abjad tapi disusun berdasarkan kategori masing-masing.

* Blog
Blog : istilah yang pertama kali digunakan oleh Jorn Barger untuk menyebut kelompok website pribadi yang selalu diupdate secara kontinyu dan berisi link-link ke website lain yang mereka anggap menarik disertai dengan komentar-komentar.
Weblog : istilah lain dari blog.
Blogging : kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam dunia blog.
Blogger : seseorang yang melakukan blogging.
arti lainnya: sebuah layanan blog dari google.
Blogosphere : komunitas dalam blogging.
Posting : kegiatan untuk mengirimkan artikel ke dalam blog.

* Bentuk-Bentuk Blogging
Photoblogging : sebuah blog yang difokuskan pada dunia Photografi dan gambar-gambar.
Podcasting : metode untuk mendistribusikan file multimedia (video/audio) secara online melalui feeds
Autocasting : bentuk podcasting secara otomatis.
Blogcasting : penggabungan blog dan postcas dalam sebuah wensite.
Vlog / Vlogging : jenis blogging yang lebih senang menggunakan video daripada text.
Audioblog / Audioblogging : jenis blogging yang lebih senang menggunakan audio/musik daripada text.
Moblogs / Moblogging kegiatan blogging dengan menggunakan HP (handphone).

* Komponen dan Fungsi-Fungsi Blog
Index page : halaman depan dari blog.
Header : bagian paling atas blog.
Footer :bagian paling bawah blog.
Sidebar : kolom-kolom yang berada di sisi blog.
Link : proses untuk menghubungkan ke suatu postingan/kontent atau ke web/blog yang lain.
Archive : sekumpulan/arsip dari semua postingan. Bisa dikelompokkan dalam bulan, tahun dsb.
Categories : sekumpulan/sekelompok spesifik dari beberapa artikel.
Commnets : Kompentar-komentar dari para pembaca blog.
Captcha : kependekan dari "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart", yaitu sebuah gambar yang berisi kata atau huruf yang harus diketikkan untuk verifikasi. Berguna untuk menangkal spam.
Ping (Packet Internet Grouper) : berfungsi untuk memberitahu layanan-layanan yang berhubungan dengan blog (seperti tchnocarty dkk) bahwa kita baru menambah atau mengupdate konten blog kita.
Trackback : berfungsi untuk memberitahu bahwa kita me-link ke postingan atau kontent blog orang lain.
Blogroll : sekumpulan link yang dijukan ke blog yang lain.
Template : desain dasar blog.
Plugin : sebuah file yang berfungsi untuk menambah feature2 blog.
Dashboard : sebuah tampilan yang berisi kontrol-kontrol, tool, setting dll saat pertama kali kita login ke blog account.

*Penyedia Layanan Blog
Blogger/Blogspot : Layanan blog gratis dari google.
Wordpress : Salah satu layanan blog gratis yang lain, memiliki feature yang lebih lengkap daripada blogger.com tapi kita tidak bisa mengotak-atik script HTML, kalo mau mengedit harus bayar dulu, jadi buat yang gratisan nggak bisa ngedit.
LiveJournal : Tolls blogging gratis dari SixApart
TypePad : Tolls blogging tidak gratis (bayar) dari SixApart.

* Bloging Habits
Metablogging : menulis artikel tentang blogging.
Blogstipation : blogger yang sedang malas ngeblog, karena sedang bad mood atau nggak pingin ngeblog.
Blogopotamus : Postingan blog yang sangat panjang.
Bleg : adalah ketika seseorang memohon pada sebuah blog.
Blego : Blog+Ego, ukuran kekayaan blogger.
Blog Hopping : Berpindah-pindah dari satu blog ke blog yang lain.
Blogroach : Komentator yang tidak setuju dengan postingan atau kontent suatu blog, biasanya diungkapkan dengan kata-kata yang kasar.
Blogoholic : Pecandu Blog.
Blogorific / Blogtastic Suatu hal yang dahsyat dari perkataan blogger.
Blogsit : Pemeliharaan blog ketika sang pemilik utama blog sedang bepergian atau sedang liburan.
Blogvertising/Blogvert : Iklan-iklan yang ada di blog.
Blurker : Pembaca blog yang hanya melihat-lihat saja, tidak memberikan komentar atau apapun.
Blogathon : mengaupdate blog setiap 30 menit dan selama 24 jam non-stop.
Blogiversary : Ulang tahun Blog.
Blog Carnival : Link ke artikel yang lain yang disamarkan dengan topik yang spesifik.
Multiblog : menjalankan banyak blog.
Blog Tipping : pujian atau ucapan selamat setiap tanggal 1 setiap bulannya.
Blogger Bash : Pesta para blogger.
Reciprocal Links / Link Exchange : atau Link Love, saling me-link antara blog yang satu dengan blog yang lain.
Linkbaiting : menulis artikel yang bagus supaya dilink oleh blog yang lain.
Hitnotice : me-refresh browser berulang-ulang untuk melihat hit-counter atau melihat apakah ada komentar yang baru atau tidak.
Blogstorm / Blogswarm : Kegiatan komunitas blogger yang sangat besar.
Blogsnop : menolak respon dari komentator yang bukan temannya.
Doppelblogger : blogger yang menjiplak konten dari blog orang lain.
Blogophobia takut terhadap blog atau blogging.
Blogeerel : opini yang sama yang dikirim berulang-ulang pada sebuah blog.

* Tipe-Tipe Blogger
Problogger : Blogger yang sudah profesional.
Blogebrity : Blogger yang sangat terkenal, kayak selebriti gitu.
Blogerati : Komunitas Blogger yang sudah pinter-pinter.
Blognoscenti : Blogger yang memiliki kemampuan yang spesial.
Commnetariat : Komunitas para komentator (lho emangnya ada? ).
Dooced : kehilangan pekerjaan gara-gara blognya.
Blogther : teman/saudara/keluarga blogger.
Blogstar : Blogger yang mengoperasikan blog yang sangat populer.

* Web/Blog Feeds
Web Feed : format data yang disediakan untuk user agar bisa berlangganan pada postingan sebuah blog.
RSS : adalah sebuah file berformat XML untuk sindikas. RSS mengijinkan kita untuk berlangganan kepada web/blog yang menyediakan umpan (feed) RSS. RSS kependekan dari Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0), Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0), RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0).
XML : (eXtensible Markup Language).
RDF : (Resource Description Framework)
Atom : hampir sama dengan web feed.
Photofeed : web feed dengan lampiran gambar.

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saya saya saya sayyyyyyaaa laggiiiii !!!!!

lah lamma tinggal blog nni.. :)

kangen laa add tulissan terbarru... :)
appa laggi nak hendak saya tulis dissini ??
bingung laa kadang mau tulis appa. haahha :D

saya ceritakanlah laggi kissah saya..
bosan bosan kalian dengarnya...

biarr ta ceritakan ulum smesten ni..

tau gga ??
parakh dah..
kagga belajjarr bnerr bnerr ni guaa smesterran nni...
niilaii nilaii anccooeerrrr smuaa...
cam kbakarran huttann..
hahahaha "smua,nya burruukk"
jan laa sampaii mama papa tau..
sa rumit nantinyahh... :)

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